Exhibition and Development

Unleashing The Beauty and Versatility of Granite In 2023
Granite is a popular natural stone that has been used in construction for centuries. It is an igneous rock that is formed when magma cools and solidifies beneath the Earth's surface.
Training and Quality

Product Training
At A Plus, with the desire and commitment to be the reliable source for our customer development, our team is constantly studying and improving.
Culture & Social Activities

What is the special thing to enjoy life at A Plus?
Nowadays, you may encounter the unsurprising scene as working every day from morning to the evening, going home with tired then eating, sleeping untill next day and working again.

Basalt Building Material
As a building material, Basalt can be crushed stone, manufactured stone, or dimension stone. Basalt can be used as aggregate, supporting structures, and ornamental pieces.
News & Blogs

How is granite produced
Explore granite from formation to installation! Learn about its unique composition, global origins, mining, and processing techniques.